
Galaxy Clusters/ 銀河クラスター

The Extragalactic Distance Database (EDD)


Evolution of Plants/ 植物の進化




**シダ植物/ Fern

*種子植物/ seed-producing plants/ 

**裸子植物/ Gymnosperm (naked seeds):イチョウ、ソテツ、マツ。ジュラ紀に繁栄。花粉媒介には風媒花の例が圧倒的に多い。
***球果植物門:メタセコイア/ dawn redwood

**被子植物/ Flowering plant:ジュラ紀の後半に裸子植物から分化。白亜紀以降に反映。花粉媒介・種子散布に昆虫や鳥類が関与


Handout for the Education Portal

Developed by Greg Perrier
Northern Virginia Community College


 Welcome to the Education Community Portal.  Contained on the 10 levels of this tower is the collective knowledge of a group of people on how to use virtual worlds as an effective educational tool. It allows you to see what other educators are doing, to examine the different tools and interactive objects used for education, to review the different ways educators use virtual worlds, and to understand the many lessons learned from years of using virtual worlds as an educational tool. There is a huge amount of information available at the portal and it is impossible to absorb it all in one or two visits.  The portal is a resource that one visits repeatedly as their understanding of education in virtual worlds develops. 

 The portal does not offer a basic orientation on how to operate in a virtual world.  It is assumed you have completed such an orientation.  If you still need to visit such an orientation, there are panels that will take you to orientation regions on the second level (Ground 2). There are instructions in the Ground 2 section below on how to use these panels to move (teleport) to different regions in Second Life and return to the Education Portal.

 This handout is meant to be a reference to help you quickly find information on a specific topic.  It covers what topics are covered on each of the 10 levels.  Each level is a ring and the information is organized in a clockwise direction starting at the landing site.  Several levels have circles in the middle of the ring where additional information is available.

 On each level you will find a bright pink cone pointing up.  Left click on this to teleport up one level.  On the floors above the lowest level, you will also see a bright light blue cone pointing down, left clicking on this moves you down one level.  Click on the square to see an image.



Chinese – English Conversation

Activity 20 – Chinese – English Conversation

Developed by Dali Tan and Greg Perrier


In this activity a Chinese language student from NOVA and an English language student from China will meet and talk, first in Chinese for at least 5 minutes and then in English for at least 5 minutes. Besides developing a greater proficiency in the language you are studying, you should develop a deeper understanding of the other student’s culture and lifestyle.


The Forest Ecology Activity

Handout for the Forest Ecology Activity

Developed by Dr. Greg Perrier, NOVA


NOVA has a campus in a virtual world called Second Life (SL).  On this virtual campus there is a forest very similar to the forests you would see on the real NOVA campuses.   Because of the high tick population with the corresponding risk on Lyme’s disease we have stopped taking students into the real forest, but we can still conduct interactive forest ecology activities in the forest on NOVA’s Second Life campus.  In this activity you will collect data on the number of trees by species in three different plots and from this data will be able to determine relative frequency, relative density, and relative basal area for the different tree species.  For Bio 102 classes, you will be provided with an Excel Program that does these calculations for you and you need only interpret the results.  For an Ecology class, you will be asked to do these calculations.

The Chinese Language Activity

Handout for the Chinese Language Activity

Developed by Dr. Greg Perrier and Dr. Dali Tan, NOVA

For this activity you will be visiting Chinese Island, part of the virtual campus of Monash University in Melbourne Australia. Kaylee West is the avatar name of the Chinese language professor at Monash University who manages Chinese Island. Your Chinese language professor will provide you with detailed instructions on what you are to do at the Chinese Island.


The Geology of the Grand Canyon

Activity 19 - The Geology of the Grand Canyon
Prepared by Greg Perrier, NOVA


NOVA has a campus in a virtual world called Second Life. In this activity you will travel on this campus to a model of the Grand Canyon found in Arizona and examine the different sedimentary strata that form the wall of the canyon. By the time you finish this activity you should have a much better understanding and appreciation of this amazing geological feature.



Guide to Genome Island
Welcome to Genome!.  Genome island is a place to explore genetics. As Dr. Norval Kneten, Dean of Science and Humanities at Texas Wesleyan (Now President of Barton College) used to say "Science is the next best thing to recess!"   The island was designed to support genetics classes for university undergraduates studying biology, but anybody interested in science is welcome to come and play. 


Ancient Ruins Reconstruction- AD/ 遺跡の復元(紀元後)

Continued from This blog: Ruins reconstruction- BC

Museum Island

Location: Second Life: Museum Island (109, 181, 23) from 22 Jan, 2017
Creater: Carlolello Zapatero
Contact parsons: Morgan Darkrose, JohnNoone Resident, Merril Baxton (Avatar name)

Museums of Archaeology, Buttercup Isle

Location: Second Life: Buttercup Isle (128, 111, 3001)
Parcel Owner: QVINTVS PETILIVS SECVNDVS (Severusalexander Resident)
Creator: Petrvs Cornelivs Silvanvs (Peter Woody)

** Augustus/ アウグストゥス, 1st emperor of Roman Empire (27 BC - 476 AD), 27 BC - 14 AD **

Roman Sundial, Italy, Augustus (see above) erected.
Second Life: Museum Island (159, 185, 23)


Physics law of SL Solar System

What shape of SL Earth?
Sphere or plane?
How to observe?

Is SL Earth rotating or not?
How to observe?

Is SL Earth moving or not?
Is SL Sun moving or not?
How about SL Moon?
Think relation between SL Earth, Sun and Moon.
How to observe?

Why 3 hours daytime and 1 hour nighttime in SL?
Think SL solar system model.
How to proof?

Earth & Life Evolution/ 地球と生物の進化

Earth and Life Evolution

Nutural Hystory Museum of Vienna

Jules Verne/ ジュール・ヴェルヌ

St. Michell- The Jules Verne Museum

Five weeks in a Balloon/ 気球に乗って五週間


Ancient Ruins Reconstruction- BC/ 遺跡の復元(紀元前)

Museum Island

Location: Second Life: Museum Island (109, 181, 23) from 22 Jan, 2017
Creater: Carlolello Zapatero
Contact parsons: Morgan Darkrose, JohnNoone Resident, Merril Baxton (Avatar name)

There are 29 reconstruction of ancient ruins of Egypt, Italy, Iraq, Greece, Turkey, Jordan, France, Lybia, Ethiopia, Spain and Afghanistan.


Location: Second Life: Sun Isle (143, 122, 23)
Parcel Owner: Kleopâtra VII Philopator (Doroty Davies)
Creator: Elio Donat, robin Colinsgrove, MarKenn Tatham

Museums of Archaeology, Buttercup Isle

Location: Second Life: Buttercup Isle (128, 111, 3001)
Parcel Owner: QVINTVS PETILIVS SECVNDVS (Severusalexander Resident)
Creator: Petrvs Cornelivs Silvanvs (Peter Woody)

Ancient Egypt, Terra Egypta (closed)

Location: Second Life: Terra Egypta (193, 227, 23)
Estate Owner/ Creator: Kamille Demina

Great Pyramid of Giza/ ギザの大ピラミッド, 2560 BC
Second Life: Nile Valley (211, 223, 23)
Big pyramid is under construction.
Small pyramid has secret entrance at west side.

Great Sphinx of Giza/ ギザの大スフィンクス,  2558–2532 BC
Second Life: Lower Nile Valley (227, 39, 22)
You can teleport to the diorama of Giza plateau from TP ball beside of Sphinx's left forefoot.