Welcome to Genome!. Genome island is a place to explore genetics. As Dr. Norval Kneten, Dean of Science and Humanities at Texas Wesleyan (Now President of Barton College) used to say "Science is the next best thing to recess!" The island was designed to support genetics classes for university undergraduates studying biology, but anybody interested in science is welcome to come and play.
There are six sections on the Island.
- The Abbey and Gardens deal with inheritance patterns (遺伝型).
- The Tower houses molecular genetics, human genetics and bacterial and Drosophila (ショウジョウバエ) genetics.
- Cell Platform in the sky
- The Gene Pool, still under development, will have models for population genetics.
- The Terrace overlooks a mix of exhibits with animal models, and the Garden of Prokaryote (原核生物) Genomes.
- The Atelier is the sandbox for students and others working on new activities for Genome Island.
1.1 The Abbey of St. Thomas (Task 7)
Background Information Genes and Inheritance*Slideshow: Station of the Cross (Genes in Pairs/ Dominance(顕性)/ Generations/ The Law of Segregation(分離の法則)/ Dihybrid(二遺伝子雑種)Cross/ Independent Assortment(独立組み合わせ)/ Dihybrid Genotypes)
Mendel as Abbot*/ Mendel's Abbatial Shield*
What is a Punnett Squares?* (プネットの方形) Slideshow
How to do a Dihybri Punett Square* Slideshow
1.2 Greenhouse/ Orangerie and Corn Patch (Southeast of the Abbey, Task 8)
A Monohybrid Cross/ Single factor cross with peasA Dihybrid Cross/ Double factor cross with peasInheritance of color in cornGuess the ParentsThe Mating Game
1.3 South Garden (Task 9)
Dihybrid (二遺伝子雑種) cross with Flowers
1.4 East Garden:
The inheritance of kernel color in maize*(トウモロコシの穀粒)
White Peacocks
1.5 North Garden (North of the Abbey)
Linked Genes*
Chi Square Analysis*
Dihybrid Test Cross* (二遺伝子雑種)
Test Corss*
Intermediate Dominance*
1.6 The Cattery (Task 10):
Inheritance of coat colors in cats* (includes sex linkage)
Whiteout*/ A Deadly Tale*
2.1 Eukaryotic Cell (真核細胞) Model
Plasma Membrane(原形質膜/細胞膜)Mitochondrion
Endocytosis(エンドサイトーシス/飲食作用)Centrioles(中心小体)Lysosome(リゾソーム/水解小体)Endoplasmic Reticulum(小胞体)Exocytotic Vesicle(分泌小胞)Nucleous Ribosome NurseryNuclear Pore(核孔)
2.2 Prokaryotic Cell (原核細胞) Model
2.3 Mitosis(細胞分裂)2.4 Cell Respiration(細胞呼吸), Glycolysis(解糖)2.5 Photosynthesis(光合成)2.6 Membrane Transport(膜輸送)2.7 Plant Cell & Animal Cell2.8 Enzymes(酵素)2.9 Osmosis(浸透)2.10 Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin(ウシ属の膵臓のトリプシン)(Charged, Helix, Sheet)2.11 Macromolecules(高分子)
The Tower currently holds 21 sections. These have been arranged so that as you walk up the tower, you will build on information and activities encountered on the lower levels. A few areas of the tower have been left open for the addition of new activities.3.0 Tower Entrance3.1 Max Chatnoir's Office (Task 1)3.2 Genes and DNA
Evidence linking DNA to genesWatson-Crick DNA Model
DNA Replications???
3.3 DNA Structure and Replication3.4 Genes and Proteins
Protein PrimerGenetic basis for sickle cell diseaseGenetic CodingTranslating RibosomeTranslation ChallengeMutant Genes and Mutant Proteins
3.5 Techniques for Genetic Analysis
DNA SequencingPCRElectrophoresis(電気泳動)
3.6 Genome Organization
Genomes as Regulatory NetworksStructure of Eukaryotic Chromosomes(真核生物の染色体)Exons(翻訳配列)and Introns(非翻訳、介在配列)in EukaryotesThe E coli(大腸菌)lac operon(ラクトースオペロン)Gene Organization in Prokaryotes(原核生物)Gene Organization in Eukaryotes
3.7 Human Genome (Task 2)/ The Chromosome(染色体)Cafe
Models of 24 human chromosomes
Sample genes from most chromosomesModel of human mitochondrial genome
The Genetic Lottery(くじ引き)Nuclear and mitochondrial inheritance patterns
3.8 Human Pedigrees(血統)
Pedigree analysisOne Man's GenomeChromosome T-shirts and coffee cups!Take the Genetics Quiz and get a free T shirt!
3.9 Human Karyotypes(核型)
Variations in Human Karyotypes (核型)
3.10 Comparative Genomics(比較ゲノミクス)(Task 3)
Comparisons of Genome Organization:Human and Chimpanzee chromosomesHuman and Macaque (オナガザル科マカク属) chromosomesHuman and Mouse chromosomes
3.11 Human Genetics(遺伝的特徴)
Blood Type InheritanceEye Color InheritanceHuman beta globin variants
3.12 Bacterial Genetics
Sex in BacteriaTransformation ExperimentsTransduction Experiments(Conjugation Experiments under construction)
3.13-14 Drosophila Genetics(ショウジョウバエの遺伝的特徴)
Male and Female Fruit FliesDrosophila (ショウジョウバエ) Life CycleSingle Factor cross with flies (wild x ebony)Chromatographic separation of Drosophila eye pigmentsThree point Test CrossDrosophila Genome InformationMicroscope with Polytene ChromosomesInformation shelf with links to Genes and Evolution
3.15 Genetics and Evolution3.16-20 Workrooms3.17 Meiosis(減数分裂)3.18 A Tale of Two Viruses3.19 Hemoglobin Disorders(ヘモグロビン異常)3.20 Lysozyme(リゾチーム。細菌の細胞膜を分解する酵素)3.21-233.24 Genetic Music (Top of Tower)
Play the PianoListen to Genetic Music
4. The Gene Pool (West)
4.1 Ribosome Coffee Shop:
A meeting place where protein synthesis takes place (See "The Translation Game: A Guide for The Perplexed"*)UCG, GCA, ACA/ UGC, AAC, UGA/ AUG, CGC, CUC, CUG(遺伝的コドン)Amino Acid Dish(20種類のアミノ酸)4.2 Population Genetics (集団的遺伝学)Peppered Moth Evolution(オオシモフリエダシャクの進化)
5. The Terrace (Task 6, East to North to North-West)
5.1 The Aviary(鳥小屋)
Feather color in Budgies(セキセイインコ)
5.2 Mixollama herd*:
Genetic Recombination and Diversity
Intracellular Bacteria(細胞内細菌)Plasmid(プラスミド)PatioOther Pathogens(病原体)
5.5 Gallery of Eukaryotic Genomes(真核性ゲノム)(Task 5)5.6 Gallery of Organellar Genomes(細胞小器官ゲノム)
5.7 Bioinformatics Kitchen(Task 4*, Sky)
Mitochondria and Migration*Mitochondrial DNA from Extinct Species*Beta Globin Tree/ Subtree: Reference Sequence Horse*
Carnivore Beta Globins*Gene Duplication and Color Vision*(色覚)Database*: OMIM, Gene Cards, NCBI Genes and Disease, NCBI Human Map, NIH Genetics Home Reference, ENSEMBL, UniProt, BLAST, FlyBaseMystery Gene of Water Sample*Gene Search*/ NCBI BLAST*/ Gene Selection*/Historical Mysteries and DNA*/ Background Information Genes and History*Cat Show* (Human, Gibbon(テナガザル), Colobus(オナガザル科の一種), Spider Monkey, Jaguar, Lion, Persian Leopard(ヒョウ), Domestic Cat)Gene Fusion and Elephant Blood*
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