Museum Island
Location: Second Life: Museum Island (109, 181, 23) from 22 Jan, 2017Creater: Carlolello Zapatero
Contact parsons: Morgan Darkrose, JohnNoone Resident, Merril Baxton (Avatar name)
Museums of Archaeology, Buttercup Isle
Location: Second Life: Buttercup Isle (128, 111, 3001)Parcel Owner: QVINTVS PETILIVS SECVNDVS (Severusalexander Resident)
Creator: Petrvs Cornelivs Silvanvs (Peter Woody)
Roman Sundial, Italy, Augustus (see above) erected.
Second Life: Museum Island (159, 185, 23)
Second Life: Museum Island (159, 185, 23)
Colosseum/ コロッセオ, Rome, Italy, 80 AD
Tower of Hercules/ ヘラクレスの塔, Spain, 2nd Century AC
Second Life: Museum Island (222, 223, 22)
Mausoleum of Theodoric/ テオドリック廟, Italy, 520 AD
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (24, 179, 987)
Basillica cistern/ イスタンブールの地下宮殿, Turkey, 6th century
Second Life: Museum Island (105, 43, 23)
Meta Sudans, Rome, 89 - 96
Roman Bath of Badenweiler, Germany, first half of the 1 Century AD
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (131, 120, 988)
Pont du Garde/ ポン・デュ・ガール, France, first century AD
Second Life: Museum Island (209, 227, 22)
Trajan's Column/ トラヤヌスの記念柱, Rome, 107~113 CE
Second Life: Museum Island (194, 204, 23)
Library of Celsus, Rome Empire, Turkey, 117 - 120 AD
Second Life: Museum Island (218, 185, 24)
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (131, 120, 988)
Fountain Sant'Eustachio Square, Rome, Italy, Roman imperial period
Pont du Garde/ ポン・デュ・ガール, France, first century AD
Second Life: Museum Island (209, 227, 22)
Trajan's Column/ トラヤヌスの記念柱, Rome, 107~113 CE
Second Life: Museum Island (194, 204, 23)
Library of Celsus, Rome Empire, Turkey, 117 - 120 AD
Second Life: Museum Island (218, 185, 24)
Housesteads Roman Fort, England, 124 AD
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (123,17,988)
Pantheon/ パンテオン, Rome, re-build in 118 - 125 AD
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (120, 136, 988)
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (120, 136, 988)
Insula, Ostia Antica, Rome, 2nd century AD
Roman Houses: Insulae and Domus, structure and furnishingsCanopo/ ヴィッラ・アドリアーナ, Tivoli, Italy, second and third decades of the 2nd century AD
Second Life: Museum Island (122, 147, 24)Tower of Hercules/ ヘラクレスの塔, Spain, 2nd Century AC
Second Life: Museum Island (222, 223, 22)
The Arch of Septimius Severus in Leptis Magna/ レプティス・マグナ, Libya, 203 AD
Second Life: Museum Island (84, 136, 26)
Porte Mars, Reims, France, 3rd century
Second Life: Museum Island (84, 136, 26)
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (143,219,987)
Stele of Axum, Ethiopia (Kingdom of Aksum), 4th-century
Second Life: Museum Island (82, 174, 25)
Buddha of Bamiyan/ バーミヤン渓谷の文化的景観と古代遺跡群, Afghanistan, 507 CE (smaller) and 554 CE (larger)
Second Life: Museum Island (67, 58, 29)
** Theodoric the Great/ テオドリック (東ゴート王), King of Ostrogothic Kingdom, 454 -526 **
Stele of Axum, Ethiopia (Kingdom of Aksum), 4th-century
Second Life: Museum Island (82, 174, 25)
Buddha of Bamiyan/ バーミヤン渓谷の文化的景観と古代遺跡群, Afghanistan, 507 CE (smaller) and 554 CE (larger)
Second Life: Museum Island (67, 58, 29)
Mausoleum of Theodoric/ テオドリック廟, Italy, 520 AD
Second Life: Buttercup Isle (24, 179, 987)
Basillica cistern/ イスタンブールの地下宮殿, Turkey, 6th century
Second Life: Museum Island (105, 43, 23)
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