
Ancient Ruins Reconstruction- AD/ 遺跡の復元(紀元後)

Continued from This blog: Ruins reconstruction- BC

Museum Island

Location: Second Life: Museum Island (109, 181, 23) from 22 Jan, 2017
Creater: Carlolello Zapatero
Contact parsons: Morgan Darkrose, JohnNoone Resident, Merril Baxton (Avatar name)

Museums of Archaeology, Buttercup Isle

Location: Second Life: Buttercup Isle (128, 111, 3001)
Parcel Owner: QVINTVS PETILIVS SECVNDVS (Severusalexander Resident)
Creator: Petrvs Cornelivs Silvanvs (Peter Woody)

** Augustus/ アウグストゥス, 1st emperor of Roman Empire (27 BC - 476 AD), 27 BC - 14 AD **

Roman Sundial, Italy, Augustus (see above) erected.
Second Life: Museum Island (159, 185, 23)
Colosseumコロッセオ, Rome, Italy, 80 AD

Meta Sudans, Rome, 89 - 96

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