Continued from This blog: Ruins reconstruction AD
Time Machine laboratory: Second Life :Time Portal (128,128,1931)
by Jo Yardley
Akipelago: Second Life; Akimori (128,128,1182)
by Akiko Kinoshi (Akiko Kiyori)
Renaissance Island: Second Life: Renaissance Island (191,190,27
by Amza Hydraconis, Princej3rd Figaro
18 Century Italia: Second Life: Rocca Sorrentina (84,177,2801)
by Aldo Stern
Museum of Nuclear Warfare: Second Life: Xemia (69,221,22)
by OtakuSempai Button
** Prince Shōtoku/ 聖徳太子, 1st centralized national system in Japan, 574 -622 **
Yakushi-ji, East Pagoda/ 薬師寺 東塔, Nara, Japan, 710 AD
** Medieval Warm Period/ 中世の温暖期, 10-14 century
Royal Residence at Tisso in Viking age, Denmark, around 900 AD
** Genghis Khan(1st Emperor of the Mongol Empire)/ チンギス・カン, 1162 - 1227, Mongol **
Notre-Dame de Paris, Paris, 1250
(Gothic style)
Renaissance/ ルネサンス, 14th - 16th century
In this blog: Renaissance Island
Machu Picchu/ マチュ・ピチュ, around 1450 AD
Second Life: USMP 3D (191,190,27)In this blog: Machu Picchu
** Leonardo da Vinci/ レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ, Italy, 1452 - 1519 **
Tudor London/ テューダー朝(イングランド王国), 1485-1603
Chateau de Chenonceau/ シュノンソー城, France, 1514–1522 AD
St. Patrick's Well, Italy, 1527 - 1537 AD
Saint Basil's Cathedral/ 聖ワシリイ大聖堂, Moscow, constructed in1551-1560
** William Shakespeare/ ウィリアム・シェイクスピア, England, 1564-1616 **
Villa Capra "La Rotonda"/ ヴィラ・アルメリコ・カプラ, North Italy, 1591
(Renaissance style)
Second Life: Black History Museum (140,106,24)
Same style of Forbidden City/ 紫禁城と同様式, China, 1644?
** James Watt fully developed steam engine by 1783. (Industrial Revolution) **
Second Life: 18th century Italia (1785)
Second Life: Rocca Sorrentina (84,177,2801)
Second Life: Rocca Sorrentina (84,177,2801)
In this blog: Rocca Sorrentina 18th century Italy
Wilanów Palace/ ヴィラヌフ宮殿, Poland, 1805
(Baroque style)
Palais Garnier (Opéra Garnier)/ ガルニエ宮(オペラ座), France, 1875
(Neo Baroque style)
** Jules Verne, France, 1828-1905 **
Second Life: Lily (221,124,55)1863: Five Weeks in a Balloon/ 気球に乗って5週間1865: From the Earth to the Moon/ 月世界旅行1870: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea/ 海底2万里
Wight brothers/ ライト兄弟の有人動力初飛行, USA, 1903
** World War I/ 第一次世界大戦, 1914-1918 **
Western Front- 1917, WWI
1920s Berlin- Germany
1920s-1940s New York
US Holocaust Museum, 1973
** World War II/ 第2次世界大戦, 1939 - 1945 **
1940s London
1950s-1960s USA
Quang Ngai - Indochina Region 1970 era, Vietnam War, 1964 to 1973
Second Life Museum of Nuclear Warfare, Cold War, 1945 to 1989
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